I am thrilled to endorse Dr. Sara Deen for school board. There is no better reward for a former teacher than to see the adult fulfill the promise I observed while Sara was a student. I am so excited for her and the opportunity for the community to elected someone with the compassion, intelligence, and foresight to see all children and their needs. Please elect Dr. Sara Deen school board trustee. She will work for all
Cheryl Cook-Kallio
Alameda County Board of Education Trustee
Supervisor Janice Hahn
Los Angeles County Supervisor
Cheryl Cook-Kallio
Alameda County Board of Education Trustee Sara’s 8th Grade History Teacher
Senator Ben Allen
CA State Senate District 26
Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi
CA State Assembly District 66
Mayor Judy Mitchell
Former Mayor, Rolling Hills Estates
Palos Verdes Faculty Association
Bill Sewell
Chair, PVPUSD Facility Advisory Committee
Lora Demello
Vice President, We Are Brave Together
Dr. James Yang
Retired, local family dentist
Los Angeles County Democratic Party
*Candidate did not accept contributions
Lana O'Shea
PVPUSD Parent Leader
3.14 Action Fund
Supports STEM candidates