Sara Deen


Being a Student and Family Advocate at the District
Maximize Student Learning
Investment in Student Mental Health Services


Being a Student and Family Advocate at the District

We must work together to demystify and destigmatize seeking special education and/or learning support services.  Our district offers robust support services to meet student learning needs. However, many families are often unaware of what support services their children are entitled to and how to access them. Through improved outreach and more intentional communication, we CAN have a district where every family is aware of what services their children are entitled to and how to access them.


Every PVPUSD family and resident should be able to easily access, understand and question the district budget. Families need to be able to make informed decisions regarding their students; voters should be able to make informed decisions on ballot measures that address the critical needs of our school district. We need a clear, sensible budget that enjoys the community’s support so that every student is able to pursue their dreams while being healthy and safe.

Maximize Student Learning

We must address and close any learning gaps while increasing opportunities for hands-on science, mathematics, structured literacy, writing skills development, and cooperative learning. Students and families should be able to rely exclusively on the school district to meet their education and career goals to accommodate any learning needs.

Students also need safe schools to learn. Sara served on the PVPUSD facilities committee and understands what is most needed. We must first pursue state and federal funds to address the district’s facilities needs. Lastly, we must complete a thorough investigation and research in collaboration with community partners to work towards reducing the risk of violence on our campuses.

Investment in Student Mental Health Services

We must work together with our community partners and cities to improve the mental health and well-being of the students and staff by increasing awareness of and resources to mitigate self-harm behaviors, addictions, anxiety and depression in our school communities. As a community, we must work together to strengthen our PVPUSD Suicide Prevention Plan and ensure that there are enough school-based therapists on our campuses to meet student needs.


We must increase meaningful collaboration with our local cities and community-based programs as these opportunities for layered relationships improve the quality of life for every Palos Verdes resident.
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